Besides, I would not have known any better. The “White Feather” and societal pressure would have seen to that. Could I have done what was expected of me if I was back in 1914 – 1918? Impossible to tell, though I would have signed up or been conscripted as I would have had no choice. Could I go through that sort of thing? No. Imagine for example on say Wednesday seeing all the horror involved only to have to go through the same thing on Saturday. The thoughts and feelings as written by the soldiers that have survived going “over the top” are well conveyed. It is the humanising of the events that really helps to put things into some perspective such has the day to day struggles to live let alone fight. All of this happening a short time period of four years and yet the first French soldiers to engage in 1914 wore pretty much the same uniform as 100 years before. Aircraft, submarines and tanks being used. The effects of constant heavy shelling physically and psychologically, gas attacks on troops. The technological changes that had happened in the 100 year gap between major battles in Europe then and during WWI completely changed how battles were thought and the way war was thought of. What stands out for me was the sheer scale of the battles in size, locations, and casualties and how slow some of the generals were to adapt to the new ways of fighting compared to the Napoleonic wars 100 years earlier.

Quotes from books and letters are well integrated in to the narrative of the events and this combined with remembering old pictures and History Channel shows help to get right into the story being told. The ramifications of this are still being felt today with the decline of the great empires of the past and the rise of the United States.Ĭarlin has a great way or style of reading and story telling that sets the scene well for the imagination of the listener and also asks questions such as “what would you do in that situation?”
#Blueprint for armageddon podcast series#
This six part series digs into what was happening in Europe and elsewhere in the lead-up to the war, how going to war escalated and the thinking of key players were thinking at the time. Like a good book, I could not stop listening to each episode (see below). I’ve just finished listening to one of the best pod cast series I have ever heard, Hardcore History’s Blueprint for Armageddon by Dan Carlin recorded in 2014 -2015. You know what it is like when you pick up and start reading a book that you just can’t put down?